KiTa Jungle Kids GmbH

KiTa Jungle Kids

The philosophy of our KiTa in Basel

At KiTa Jungle Kids in Basel, we are guided by the concept of Emmi Pikler, a pediatrician who developed an attentive and loving pedagogy for young children in the 1930s. We recognize each child as an independent personality and treat them with respect and appreciation, supporting their natural curiosity and ability to learn.

The Pikler concept is based on three pillars:

  1. Relational care: we offer the children a sense of security through loving care and attention, whereby the care of the child is characterized by attentive communication and consideration of their needs.
  2. Autonomous movement development: We respect the individual motor development of each child, who has their own rhythm and time for development without external pressure. In our KiTa, we create space and time for this independent development.
  3. Free play: We allow the children to play freely and undisturbed in a safe, age-appropriate and consciously designed environment, which helps to strengthen their self-esteem and independence.


At KiTa Jungle Kids in Basel, we support and accompany each child individually, promote their emotional, motor and linguistic development and strengthen their personal resources. We create an atmosphere in which children feel comfortable, gain age-appropriate experiences, resolve conflicts peacefully and learn to show consideration for one another.

Our daycare center’s daily routine is varied and geared towards the needs and interests of the children. We offer both targeted activities and free play, allowing the children to gain a variety of experiences. Daily outdoor time allows the children to experience nature and the world. Through a regular routine and familiar rituals, we give the children security and orientation in their everyday lives.

Neuer Standort in Riehen ab 1. Mai 2024 / New location in Riehen from May 1, 2024